Seattle passes $660 million arena MOU, paving way for an NHL franchise as early as 2020

This is NOT a good deal for the city of Seattle. It'll create even more congestion in an already crowded commuter corridor, and it's going to cost us $660 million in public funds.

On the other end we have Chris Hansens group that has the same goals as OVG, but has offered to FUND THE ENTIRE PROJECT PRIVATELY. Hell, he even offered to renovate key arena into a smaller music venue so we can keep Key Arena as a landmark (as it should be).

There are so many other issues in this city that $660 million could go towards. Public transit, homelessness, roads, municipal broadband, education, etc..

I agree with Hansen, and will be there to support NHL and NBA regardless of where they play. But I don't think spending the public money is a good idea when an equally good, if not better option is available.

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