Seattle Reddit THUNDERDOME: March 04, 2018

Feel free to take your white power bullshit to /r/Seattle and gtfo of here for good. If you think this sub is going in the wrong direction, I'll take that as a sign that we're doing things right.

It's hard for me to believe that people believe this racist bullshit in this day and age.

I want to be quite clear on this. If you honestly believe in "white power," you are antiquated scum who is already on the wrong side of history. Your beliefs are a cancer to society, and the hate you feel is best acknowledged for what it actually is - a deep self loathing that is pathetically unaddressed.

I'd urge you to examine your own self, but self reflection is not part of your belief system. Everything is someone else's fault.

Please never reproduce. Your kind can't die out quickly enough.

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