Second month in Calgary and skin is not taking it well. How do you guys remedy this?

You need to do a therapy where you alternate from a sauna or hot tub for 15 mins into a cold tub (5-10C) for 10 mins and back again. You can do this at repsol. The alternation helps train your body and immune system to rapid temporal changes and will help you acclimate to here. It’s also extremely good for your immune system and muscles. If you can’t go to a gym with both, just deal off your shower with poly, sit on the edge and run it on our hot for 15 mins, it’s a sauna, and when you’re too hot, switch it to cold water and jump into that until it doesn’t feel cold anymore (forces all the blood back through the heart/ reoxygenates) and do that twice in a row every day for a few weeks and you’ll be golden.

Also you will increase your immune system and flush mad toxins from your body so it’s just good for your health.

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