The second-most-dangerous contagion in America: Conservative irrationality

I think people who say they admire Trump's bluntness are generally sociopathic and the kinds who proudly state that altruism doesn't exist, and that educated leftists are just virtue signaling and pretending to care about anyone other than themselves.

They are also the kind of people who say with a straight face that atheists can't be moral people because only the threat of eternal punishment keeps any human from just being a raping, murdering psychopath. Which is actually them saying THEY would be a raping murdering psychopath if they didn't think they'd go to Hell for it. As opposed to, you know, just not wanting to rape and murder anyone.

So since they believe humans are just a bunch of selfish psychos who are only kept in check by fears of Sky Daddy punishment, they seem Trump as the most honest guy in the universe. Everyone is secretly that horrible, narcissistic, selfish, self serving, etc etc. Trump's just the one guy being honest about it!

Obviously I can't say this applies to the person you responded to above, I dont know anything about them. But that has been my general experience in Trump voters who see his speeches as admirable and attractive, rather than the ramblings of a monster who is LITERALLY less articulate than my three year old. With a much shorter attention span.

I say this with 100% sincerity, of my dad talked like Trump - not ideologically, just the way in which he speaks, I would have him in a home. The fact that anyone can look at Trump and see "sincerity and forthcoming" rather than "holy shit this guy is severely psychologically and intellectually impaired" is simply stunning to me.

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