Secondhand vape smoke?

I’m sorry, that’s so awful. Thanks for sharing. I certainly didn’t mean to minimize the risks of vaping, only that we still don’t fully understand all of the effects and what has been published seems to show a very particular reaction to one specific component of vape liquid, and relative to the number of people who vape, it is still fairly rare. I don’t know that I’ve seen any scientific papers about life-threatening affects of a a single (or multiple) exposure to second-hand vape.

No one is advocating for vaping- I was only trying to reassure the OP that she and her baby are likely to be safe since she was nervous about exposure. Pregnant women have enough things to worry about, so it’s important to keep risk in perspective.

That’s a terrible story, and I am SO sorry that this happened. It is tragic, especially since the person was so young. It certainly is a reason why we need more studies about it. In my medical career I’ve seen dozens of infants with premature birth, IUGR, or other complications from maternal exposure to cigarettes. Vape complications exist- no one is saying they don’t, but second-hand vape complications? I’ve not seen any published studies proving there are significant effects on anyone, much less pregnant women or their unborn children. That was my point.

/r/pregnant Thread