The secret to a happy sex life in long-term relationships is the belief that it takes hard work and effort, instead of expecting sexual satisfaction to simply happen, says University of Toronto based on research with approximately 1,900 participants from both heterosexual and same-sex relationships.

Very much depends on the culture, though. My husband is from a culture that practices arranged marriage and I know several couples who had no interaction at all and met each other on their wedding day. Most others got one or two chaperoned meetings, which is not nearly adequate, imo. There are only two or three couples in his entire circle of acquaintances that seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company and only about half are even functional. Infidelity on the part of the men is nearly universal even among the functional and happy couples. On the non-functional side, there's everything from relatively amicable divorce to a guy who chained his pregnant wife to the radiator and beat her to death because his first wife cheated on him and he became convinced the second was, too.

It's really soured me on the practice and I've advised Indian friends against accepting arranged marriages even though Indians tend to be saner about letting people get to know each other first. It's better to put in the work of building a good relationship before legally binding yourself to somebody else. It's true that too many non-arranged couples skip that step as well, but at least they have more of a chance to spin all the wheels.

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