I have secret knowledge taught to me by secret societies. AMA

The elites are purposely creating horrible earth conditions to inflict damage on the psyches of human beings to keep them in a consistent fear state in order for trauma based mind control to be more effective. A traumatized mind behaves in predictable patterns and is easier to manipulate through suggestion and subliminal messaging. They want as many people in this state so that they can remain in power and in exchange the negative entities they're in contact with can have more energy to feed off of you. Essentially, they get power through technology given to them by the dark ones and the dark ones get the ability to tempt humans into accumulating negative karma which they feed off of and grow stronger from. There are certain laws that prohibit the violation of freewill, but they get around that through a loophole by suggesting negative thoughts and actions into the minds of people and letting humans themselves act out those demonic suggested thoughts. This is why trauma based mind control is so effective. A traumatized mind and body is almost perpetually in fight or flight, and is acting on animalistic impulses that mostly cannot be controlled by the individual consciously. Poverty, war, racism, etc. all create the conditions for trauma and trauma based mind control to thrive. This is why it's important for one to take control over ones own free will, because if you aren't in complete control over your thoughts, emotions, body and media you consume, you'd best be assured that someone else will try to be in control.

/r/conspiracy Thread