SEED *HELP* Did anyone get 98-100 shares in the last 24 hours?

I have had a wild ride with this one to, if you check out the 6k document it explains it, atleast it gives an explanation. As far as why, no one knows, and as far as I know everyone is confused as to why SEED would do this.

Theres been multiple cases where individuals who sold their shares still recieved shares after the reverse split. In the 6k document it says its a 1 in 10 split, and if anything is under 100, they at no charge to you round your shares up to 100, while not changing the value of the shares.

So its legit, as far as I can tell, however the situation is sketchy. If you recieved shares, then they are yours provided to you by SEED as its in writing on government documentations.

Very odd situation still, I don't fully understand the motive.

/r/RobinHoodPennyStocks Thread