Seeking Advice: 27y/o, Getting Married, Expecting, and Trying to Get My Financial Life Back Together

I highly doubt I'd be bringing home more than 22k after taxes with Aldi, lol. I'm not jumping ship from a secure job to panic my way into a crappy company. But I am actively searching for better opportunities in my field and fields I'm skilled at, and always have been. My city and surrounding region isn't the greatest place, economically, most of the population (160k-ish in my county) is in poverty. I'm doing far better than a majority of the population in my age range here, which is sad. The opportunities are just not really there for high paying jobs.
It might be time to consider a move.

Also in regards to my asset to my current job, I genuinely am one. I updated the main post with a big update if you want to see some more info on that.

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