Seeking Other First DUI Experiences in Colorado...

Aw homie I’m so sorry. I’m a female and got arrested in Adams county also asleep in my car and the police officers partner went psycho on me and screamed in my face so bad he was spitting on me. The female officer there had to tell him to back off. I’m not one to be scared of men, but being handcuffed and being screamed at in that way literally traumatized me, especially having no way to defend myself. When I burst into tears he literally laughed in my face and asked why I was crying and told me I did this to myself I’m sure I sound weak and stupid but it was so traumatizing that I’ve had to seek counseling and I’ve been unable to continue dating even because I have a hard time being around dudes after that. I’m sure it seems dumb, but it was really scary for me.

By all means if you need to talk you can message me. I would just do whatever your attorney says. My attorney is motioning to get the aggressive cops testimony thrown out because of how crazy he got. Maybe yours can do the same.

/r/dui Thread