Seeking thoughts from a conservative social worker

I disagree with you, I think we have different definitions of racist. I see a racist as someone who is actively working against those who aren't his or her race, who seeks to be the only dominant race and to ride his or her space of all other races. There is a different between racism and the fact that I recognize that many people from the middle east clash with western culture when they choose not to assimilate. That's a collectivist person trying to make it in a capitalist individualist society, who is probably broke and doesn't speak English, who has limited connections for support, and a whole host of other things that limit that persons ability to thrive. Has nothing to do with race, but do I think sharia law is fucked up, yeah I sure do. Do I think it's odd to come to America and wear a full body hijab, yeah I do BUT I also feel that is a person's right to do so and I would defend that right. I don't have any problem with Mexicans they are great people. They have been royally screwed over countless times. That said, I don't think we should let everyone in who shows up at the border, our society can't afford it, and it strains the already strained system. Has nothing to do with banjos or fiestas or brown skin or whatever, it's about societal stability. For the Mexicans by the way it is very clear they are trying to grow their population in the US to influence politics. What's bad about this is really just that those kids have parents who aren't here legally and so are at risk of being separated from their families after a deportation. Maybe dad decides to punch mom in the face and the cops show up, then he gets deported, it sucks but it happens. Now you have like 10 kids with no dad, mom is a total mess and the family is struggling to survive. Multiply that millions of times over and that is what open borders results in. It's broken families and poverty AND being paid next to nothing to work jobs that are physically destructive. I'm not in favor of policies that perpetuate that. Does that make me a racist? Tell me what I said that you think is racist, I would like to know.

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