Seems like a lot of people here hate service people…

Here’s my issue, when we do tip regardless of service quality/amount of service, it also hurts us (service industry and consumers) as it creates a model in which business managers/owners can readily exploit your labor knowing damn well the tips from customers will subsidize their lack of honest pay. I don’t tip off of service because I am so uncomfortable with the prospect of hurting someone’s necessary income due to my decision. I just flat out ALWAYS tip. And it sure as hell doesn’t feel good. I would like tips to be contingent on service, but given how underpaid service workers tend to be, and often overworked, I feel immense pressure to tip constantly regardless of service. If I could get my most ideal model out there, it would be that service workers get paid somewhat over a living wage- as I see it they provide convenience, and should be compensated as such, and that tips would be my way to show specific appreciation for their time and service. The way it currently exists means the customer is responsible for subsidizing the wage of the server, and the server is in an anxious position of prospectively unstable income. Unfortunately, people will choose not to tip, just as some servers will prefer a tip based system, all for individual benefit and not fully understanding that the current model just isn’t a recipe for fair and consistent income.

TL;DR: stop expecting consumers to rectify the inadequacy of pay, and don’t expect non tippers as well as exploitative business practitioners to hold themselves accountable. They just won’t. The model itself is at fault, and we’re all pretty SOL when participating in it

/r/ColoradoSprings Thread