Seems like what TC did when developing Gears 5 MP

5 MP is horrible. I’ve been playing this game, among others since it first came out.

This game has me feeling really mixed up. I was grinding gears 4 in preparation for this.

I hate the choice they make you take near the end of the campaign.(I actually stopped playing for 2 days because I actually got upset when I realized that my decision was irreversible, i couldn’t save both, like I so naively believed, and then when I do get back onto this game I beat the little bit of the campaign left to find out multiplayer is worse). I hate the store. I hate the rewards. I hate the lack of seamless gameplay. I cannot bring up the scoreboard simply. I hate escalation now. Wish there was CTL. Paywalls are astounding with no grind to earn option. I didn’t even make use of the boost properly, because I legit started playing gears 4 for the MP. The weapon damage indicator really just pissed me off. I hate that the best bits of gears 4, the things they finally settled into after so much incessant tweaking, are just tossed over the shoulder while they piled this Cleveland steamer of a game together.

I hate that I have more than this to jot down.

Gears 4 felt better. I was excited for G5.

I regret buying this and not waiting.

Because there is nothing so special about this game that you can’t wait for a sale on it..

Which really hurts to arrive at as my own personal conclusion.

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