Have you seen an increase in female players that play paper Magic?

I feel you.

I played in a LGS as a fat kid in 8th, 9th grade forever ago. Blended in fine and everyone was nice to me.

I quit playing for the rest of high school because I was busy chasing skirts and hanging out. I slimmed down and attractived up in the meantime.

Post high school I went to go draft with a buddy on a whim at another shop and I was treated like a leper. It feels like such a funny thing to bitch about because oh no poor baby but I still had the same enthusiasm for the game and skill level while the only thing that changed was my appearance. No one was outright rude to me but I just got a lot of half sighs and one word answers when trying to start a conversation...even if they were joyfully chatting amongst themselves.

I've only played kitchen table since. Nerds can be mean girls, too.

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