Seen a good one, when I was going for a walk out there earlier.

You guys love this shit eh. Stand by and watch the self-destruction crashing and burning. hahaha.

So hey last time I had went to get a 6 pack, several days ago. Check this out, I went thru the weekend with no beer. Betcha most of you didn't. But yeah last time I went, seen this guy who used to work there. I stopped going there cause new people bought the place, they couldn't afford the strippers. Now the fuckin beer vendor cooler was warm. I'd just go further up the street.

Well, when I went there, was this old guy from when I used to get beer there, years ago before cars. I'm there, wow they didn't fire you to hire others who spoke their same language. He used to work there for long, many years. Says, no i'm cut down to part time a couple times a week. Now he's fuckin temping it, it's like holy fucking shit. That's nasty. Unloading trailers.

But he tells me, don't use debit they charge $1.50. So no wonder that 6 pack of kokanee in bottles was like fuckin 15 bucks! heh.. Went there twice since, had 40 bucks when I made the "trek" all the way to polo park. Had 40, bought two 6 packs since.. now i got two 5's and a toonie, a loonie, two nickels, two dimes and two quarters. ok physicists of reddit, i think the last guy who normally works there, charged something different than him. But it was less than 15 bucks both times if you pay cash. Fuckin $1.50 for debit charge, that's worse than when i had dominos last week and it was a buck. So checkout all this money i'm saving from not using debit. lol.

No, i only cracked the 2nd beer, was in the freezer too long, started to ice up over the top, gulped that down.. Doing the fuckin dishes. lol.. with that 2nd beer.. be back later. lol. So no, just mid-dishes update.. a 6 pack of kokanee doesn't cost 15 bucks yet. Was getting ripped off by those new guys. Meanwhile they spend 0 on that place since they got it. Don't know how to make money those guys.

/r/Winnipeg Thread