Is self-preservation at the root of conservatism in the US?

As for the voter ID issue, your entire premise is that "there is no fraud, that's a false argument" but the reality is that there IS FRAUD.

Speaking of reading comprehension, I never said there was no fraud; I says there was no evidence of rampant voter fraud and that voter ID laws are racist. Both true facts.

You can make a value judgment all day and night that the people who have a harder time voting outweighs the reduction of fraud, but the truth is undeniable. Just because it is being executed poorly doesn't mean it should be dropped. That's like saying just because a school is failing we should scrap it altogether, you fix the problem not pin it and scrap it.

And your argument is like saying that just because "seperate but equal" school segregation was racist, doesn't mean the idea has no merit. The onus is on you to prove it's a worthwhile cause that doesn't infringe on liberty and discriminate.

But you can't because it's not possible.

I find it hilarious that just because I can understand why people are conservative and why they have these unpopular opinions, you automatically assume I share these opinions. I might not agree with them, but I made an effort to understand them and I can respect the where people are coming from with their concerns, and I will certainly defend the legitimate grievances and their right to have them from people like yourself that repeatedly engage in character assassination because you can not see things outside of the black and white narrative you've painted for yourself. People can actually understand others without being at each other's throats, it's called tolerance and empathy, you should really look into it.

I'm unsurprised you found more empathy with self-admitted xenophobic bigots than their victims. That's what privlige is all about honey, lack of adversity+desire to enforce the status quo to keep your undeserved power in society.

The fact you can even say "actual minorities" with a straight face leaves me in shock and awe. If this is how you look at the world then you really, really need to get help.

If you can't get a job or education because you think minorities are standing in your way, no amount of help can save you. You'll remain an ignorant racist and a loser regardless of what handouts you demand.

Trump can't save white power, get over it.

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