SEMC doesn't know how to balance Vainglory. A patch 3.4 Analysis

i just watched the first 4 mins of your video.

firat of all, there's more than LoL as a moba out there and every single moba has it's own game style. watch out Dota2. no jungler, 4 or 5 laners and you know what, the game is also playable.

now if you don't understand, what a jungler do in VG, don't play it. because a jungler is more like a second roam but with dmg. now, as you said, he control the bottom side with your "adc". clear the wave, go in the enemy jungle, denie the jungle farm of the enemies midlaner, clear the wave, clear your jungle and gank. that is your job. help the bot and mid lane win the lane. not "oh it's my jungle, you can't get the ambient gold or i cry".

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