The Senate is Investigating the NRA’s Russian Money Laundering Operation

Obama tried to take guns, he was blocked by Republicans. An AWB had some traction in 2013. Liberals, though, like to gaslight about how "No one is trying to take your guns." Why doesn't anyone like the Democrats and Liberals who are just trying to help everyone who is too dumb to know what's best for them? I don't know.

I like how the democrats are to blame for the NRA being a piece of shit that doesn't even support guns

They do support guns, 1. And 2. No one said they were to blame. It's just disingenous when liberals are like "Hur dur. The NRA is a defacto supporter of the GOP." No shit. The Democrats are literally opposed to gun rights. So no shit the gun rights organization is for the party that isn't opposed to gun rights.

It's like supporting ISIS, and blaming Republicans because they're opposed to Muslims...what other choice is there?! I shouldn't have standards!!

No it's not.

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