Senate Republicans close their eyes to presidential abuse

The main reason I've spoken up about unifying around whoever gets the nom: we need to make sure that people disappointed if their candidate doesn't get the nom have an eye on the greater threat, which is not voting because their favorite didn't get the nomination.

Any person who doesn't vote for the Democrat nominee is effectively giving their vote to a Republican.

It's important to remember that. And it's important to be talking about this right now.

That all being said, btw, I agree 100% with your final sentence. And I'd love to see Sanders/Warren, or Warren/Sanders, and possibly some other combinations. I haven't settled this time on a single candidate (last time I voted Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general, happy with both except Hillary is way too centrist for me, but I still would have gladly had her as Prez)

Also, I don't doubt that some are trying to drum up support for centrist candidates. And others are probably astroturfing to cause trouble.

Basically, I agree with you except that I think it's still important to talk about unifying around whoever eventually gets the nomination, and I don't think that idea should (or does) interfere with the primary process.

Either way, here's hoping we get a good nominee and win the Presidency and get lucky with the Senate to go blue (even if we need a supermajority that we can't get)

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