Senator Elizabeth Warren Requests Formal Investigation About Why The Obama Administration Did Not Prosecute Wall Street

Do you want to know how to get democrats to see your point? Stop using hyperbole and binary thinking when try to talk to them. We have an economic and political system that desperately needs reform and it will require a huge swath of the voting public to bring about that reform. I don't think you have any idea how complicated this fight is going to be. An investigation into the justice department would look at whether or not protocol was followed and whether the department made decisions according to the law and based on the evidence. First you'd have to find that the law was not properly applied then you'd have to link this to pattern of bias toward the financial interests among department officials which obstructed justice. Then you have to convince congress to enact laws to prevent it from happening again by further prohibiting the revolving door between government and corporations and ensuring that no person or interest no matter how powerful is exempt from the law. Most of all you need a sizable majority of educated and informed voters to be aware of the issues and ready to protest, call their reps and otherwise make a huge stink without being sidetracked by propaganda, scaremongering, name calling, misinformation which politicians use to put voters off the scent. Sadly there is nothing about the US voting public that seems remotely ready for this kind of battle. And I'm afraid that you calling Elizabeth Warren a fraud is just another sign of that.

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