Separating Male and Female.

Males dont die 2 or 3 weeks later not "most", not many, they flower through out all their flowering phase and you can't keep then vegging by removing pollen sacs, it is still flowering the same you're just removing clusters of male parts. They produce sacs for 6-12 or whatever weeks like a flowering period of a fem, depending on strain. And you shouldn't dispose lanky females it doesn't mean it will produce low, look at the original GSC, lanky low producer great smoke, its not "rare" either for males to have good branching even without training. Also males structure is secondary and not that important to smell/trichome production and vigor in choosing breeding males,.
Sorry but I can tell you just read some about it and youre repeating your collected 'knowledge', I don't doubt youve grown some males, probably not for more than a couple weeks after flowering, and that pollination has happened to your plants, but it doesn't seem like you've done breeding before or grown males for breeding.

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