Serena is just not redeemable [Spoilers S2E13]

I don’t mean to go against the grain just for the sake of it, but I disagree. Everyone is redeemable, though often it probably is unlikely.

You’re right, Serena WAS a privileged and conceited and educated woman. She thought SOJ would elevate her position; she thought she would be the exception. And then the very thing she wanted became her undoing.

Serena wanted power, she wanted control, she wanted what little authority she could have; she wanted a baby - and maybe for all the wrong reasons.

But it’s shown multiple times that she’s being pulled in two directions: escape to Hawaii, or stay. Befriend June, or maintain your meager status. Admit you’re wrong, or hold a woman down as she’s raped in an effort to induce labor and have this entire process over-with that much quicker - and to flaunt your position over her.

It’s not right. She has no courage or integrity or accountability. She is more to blame than other women, sure. I agree.

And don’t get me wrong, I recognize the vulgarity and violence, but take into account the context when judging Serena’s actions.

But she is realistic. This is how some people really do/have/will act. Remember the world this takes place in. Can you not see the forest for the trees?

I hate Serena, but she’s still a victim of Gilead. Lured in with false promises and delusions of grandeur - a perfect storm.

Maybe that’s not how the writers will take her character. I’m just trying to play the devils advocate here, in good nature.

Truly the last episode was what gave me hope for Serena as a character. Because in the end, Serena gave up “her” baby. She gave up the entire point. Her entire point.

People do awful, depraved things. Sometimes those people change.

She isn’t irredeemable. No one is.

/r/TheHandmaidsTale Thread