Series Concept: TL;DR for Mods

I would really appreciate a format like Minecraft in Minutes.

Here's a video. It's super short, dense information, and information about different features is split up across videos. Descriptive titles and thumbnails with just the block/item and black background - this is what I want for all mods.

Basically, no one wants to see you:

  • Fly around the world to find a free spot
  • Craft the item, if it's easily visible through NEI (and recipes change!)
  • Make breaks between explainations
  • Errrrrm, etc.
  • Figuring out features on camera
  • Sentences like

    • "Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in."
    • "Today we are going to take a look at block ABC from mod DEF."
    • "I am using version 1.424.220.223423 of DEF and Minecraft Forge"
    • "If you want to know how to install this mod, go check out my other tutorial."
    • "Also make sure to like, subscribe, comment, and share."
    • Also please leave out intros and outros.

What I want to say that it's important that you dive instantly into the content and only present the content. Then it's a TL;DR video.

Also, what I find important is that audio and video do not have exactly synchronized content. That means for example:

Imaging you are making a video about the Buildcraft Quarry. You are willing to demonstrate the output behaviour of the quarry. The video is showing one second clips of different item transportation systems attached to the top of the quarry block and how the items coming out of the quarry are flying around and nothing is going into the pipe. One second you are showing Ender IO, one second Thermal dynamics, one second and AE import bus, the next second a buildcraft pipe (items are flowing fine), one second an directly attached crystal chest, one second a AE interface. While the videos are visible, you say: "The Quarry can only output either to buildcraft item pipes or into a inventory directly." That is very dense information.

What you should avoid is recording a one-piece gameplay where you build and destroy every item system one by one and then talk about each one individually, repeating yourself and not generalizing the topic.

I hope that explains what I would expect from a TL;DR video series.

/r/feedthebeast Thread