[Serious] Aboriginal people of Reddit, what is it like being a part of or knowing someone from the Stolen Generation?

I was at a social justice event and a local Aboriginal elder began talking about how there's an even bigger stolen generation being created today and DOCS/the government are taking Aboriginal kids and putting them with white families for no real reason but were absolutely targeting Aboriginal people and it was unfair and whatnot. There were quite a few of us who work with many Aboriginal kids (teachers, social workers etc.), and I also have friends who foster. Whilst I can't speak of all cases, I do agree that to an extent there are children that should be removed but aren't.

Also, they try so, so hard to place Aboriginal kids with Aboriginal carers to reduce the risk of these children losing the connection to culture. Non-Aboriginal friends had been fostering two Aboriginal girls for a few months, everything was going great. Then they temporarily got a new case worker and an Aboriginal carer came available so the girls were moved (against the wishes of the girls and my friend's family). In remote communities it can be even more difficult to remove children due to a) not knowing there is an issue, and b) lack of foster families.

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