[Serious] actively practicing Muslims, what goes through your mind on a day like today?

I'm a Muslim born in Pakistan and stayed there for the first 9 years and a Canadian citizen for the rest. How do I feel today? Well when I woke up and found out what happened I was pissed off as hell. I checked up on friends in Paris and wished the French well. But as the night went on something else dawned on me which literally brought me to tears. And that something was: the hypocrisy of the white man.

This attack on Paris today, while it was bad-it was only the second one they've had in a long time. But other countries have this happen every day. Today the world stood still for the French yet I did not see a single post for Lebanon and Baghdad who were also attacked and lost a lot of people. And this happens to Muslims every day, millions of our civilians have died to these terrorists who were created for the stupidest fucking reasons. So my question is, where was the world when my people were being slaughtered? France and friends have claimed that they will hit back mercilessly which I'm afraid will only kill more civilians and create more terrorists. Twice now I've seen the world come to a stop for France while millions of us die in the east from similar situations. Are we so insignificant to you, that just because we aren't the same color as you or share the same religion as you, we don't deserve the same respect and commitment? Because all today has shown me is that your life only matters if you're white and non Muslim. Like for fucks sake, just recently it was revealed that 80% of Americas drone strikes in my country have killed civilians and the rest have just gone on to create more terrorists and yet the world just looked on as if nothing was wrong. Amazing.

/r/AskReddit Thread