[Serious] actively practicing Muslims, what goes through your mind on a day like today?

You have a very, very poor understanding of the Middle East.


This isn't a valid argument. People got married much earlier back in those days. If his marriage had been scandalous, we likely wouldn't have heard about it since his 'biography' was compiled by people who supported him and considered him a prophet.

Let them drive the goddamn car once in awhile.

Saudi Arabia is the only country that doesn't allow women to drive

Let women vote. Don't cover them from head to toe. Stop raping them so often.

Women can vote in most Middle Eastern countries. They don't have to be 'covered from head to to.'

Work on educating yourselves for fucks sake. Countries in the region have between 50%-90% rates of illiteracy.

The wealthy countries in the region all have literacy rates in the 90's. Poorer countries like Egypt don't have the capacity or infrastructure to improve their system of education. The country's recovering from a brutal revolution and over a quarter of the population lives in abject poverty.

The only way to govern these people is for there to be a brutal dictator in power

Dictators are what give rise to sectarianism and extremism, not the other way around. Saddam supported Sunnis while brutally repressing Kurds and Shias.

Collectively the coutries in the region have over a million solders. Why aren't they working to take care of this?

Every single country that ISIS has a presence in is fighting them. Other countries aren't contributing a greater effort because ISIS poses no real threat to them and they, wisely, don't want to get directly involved in the Syrian civil war.

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