[Serious] Autistic people of Reddit (or loved ones of autistic people), what's something about this condition that you wish the rest of society understood better?

I answered a similar question a while ago. I hope I'm not offending you by reposting my previous answer here. I greatly appreciate when people ask these questions because it clears up misunderstandings.

Anyway. What's autism like? Well, it's kind of hard to say, for a few reasons. If you have autism, you've never known what it's like to not have it. Besides that, autism manifests so differently in different people. Mark my words: fifty years from now, when neurology is a more developed science, autism will turn out to be something like a dozen different disorders.

With that aside, here's my own experience. Having autism, especially in a social context, feels rather like being an alien. Most humans seem to be born with an instruction manual that I never got. Anger looks like this, happiness looks like that. Talking to yourself is totally normal, but doing so out loud is definitely not. That kind of thing. Now, over the course of my life, I've been able to learn these different cues, but it's never going to be fully instinctual. I still can't pick up on sarcasm unless it's incredibly obvious.

This is the part of autism that the most people know about, since it's the part that's most obvious in public. But there's other parts too, which probably have had more of an effect on my life. For instance, most of my senses are out of whack. I'm hypersensitive to sound, especially loud or high pitched noises. That noise a bus makes when pulling up can cause me to have a panic attack. (Which, by the way, are pretty awful. But it's a physical kind of panic, not an emotional kind, which helps some.) I'm also tactile sensitive. There's a lot of foods that I can't eat because of the texture. For instance, I can eat potatoes, but not mashed potatoes. I don't mind the taste. The taste is delicious. But the gooey texture is horrible. The flip side to this is that when I find a food I like, I really, really like it. I think that I've gotten more pleasure from rice than you ever have from steak. My perception of pain is a bit odd, too. I still feel pain, but it doesn't bother me in the same way that it affect someone normal.

I can concentrate much better than a normal person. I can block out all sounds and sensations if I'm sufficiently absorbed in something. Quite often, I'll forget to eat until I'm dizzy and feel like I'm going to pass out. If I'm interrupted in this focused state, like if I have to put down a book partway through, it feels rather like a hangover. This is probably what teleportation will feel like, once we've managed to invent it. One second you're in a fantasy landscape, watching fireballs whizz by, and the next you're back on Earth because you need go wash the dishes or you just realized that you haven't eaten in six hours.

There's one other thing worth noting, though again this isn't present in everyone with autism. It's extremely difficult for me to identify my own emotions. Honestly, I have some trouble just with something like judging the severity of pain. Emotions are way more complicated than that, so it's even harder. I have words, as you can see here, and I have no trouble understanding them, and I have my feelings, but I can't really connect the two. Emotions are a hormonal soup that I can't hope to clarify. I won't realize that something is upsetting me until I'm on the edge of a panic attack.

Honestly, it's not nearly as bad as you might think from reading this. If I had the opportunity to be cured, I don't think I would take it. Autism is a fundamental part of my personality, and a part that I rather like at that.

/r/AskReddit Thread