[Serious]Can we talk about Indian Muslims?

Any society that isn't strictly anti-Islamic will eventually turn Islamic. Turkey was founded as a a secular Republic after WW1 where they even hanged Islamists, but now they are degenerating into an Islamic theocracy as we speak. The military was meant to keep a check on potential tyrants like the one they have now, but their attempt at removing him in that coup failed because the majority of Turks supported him on the streets against the army. It's a failed project where they are no longer even teaching evolution.

Even nations without native Muslim populations are suffering from the same disease - albeit at a slower pace. Western nations that accepted Muslims either as part of liberal immigration policy (US after the '65 Immigration Act), for labor shortages (Germany with Turks), or as a favor after the age of empires/jobs (Brits with Pakis, French with Algerians, etc...) are seeing radicalization. Studies show that the second generation of immigrants are often more religious than the first because they claim to be "oppressed." I recently saw a study that said that Muslims from some European nation (Denmark or Holland, I forgot) were more sensitive/critical to Western bombings than people who lived in the nations that were being bombed. Muslims are extremely sensitive, and use this fact as a threat, saying shit like "if you criticize Muslims they will be alienated and become terrorists."

/r/bakchodi Thread