[Serious] Cheaters of Reddit, why are you currently cheating on your SO?

I know that it's gonna get buried but here is my story. It was just after my college started when we met, the beauty of real first love. We never got too much time to spend together as she was in college and I was in my job. But always the moments when we were together had aways been enough for both of us. Daily calls and heartfelt promises were how we spent next 3 years. She was even ready to defy her parents for me, it was saying a lot as she was from her traditional Indian family. She was always fun to be around but still had innocence, was my guiding light but still chubby and naughty. Just everything that I could ever ask for. All of our friends knew about our long distance relationship, and from it I got some new friends. Friends of her friend was this girl "N", and I never knew how but I got a lot attracted towards her. Certainly not love, but some wild infatuation. Despite opposition from my love, I went for a new year vacation with, "N", it was the still not the last straw. Next 2 months I did ignored my love's calls and texts. I did let her cry for me. In case you are wondering, "N" and I never slept together. It was a wild flirt to which my real love took a backseat. In the 2 months, my love realized that she could live separate from me and she do not really need me in her life. And as a fool I was still hanging out with "N". My love finally told me that she do not want me anymore, and just wished me good luck. Next 2 years I argued, I loved, tried everything I can to get my love back. Nothing worked out, and she still left. It's been 7 years since then, I am still haunted by the pain and memories. I know that my love is now happily married to someone else from past 4 years. And I am still here living in memories and repenting my mistakes. Never take the one you love for granted. Time doesn't heal all wounds, we just learn to live with the pain.

/r/AskReddit Thread