[Serious] Cheaters of Reddit, why are you currently cheating on your SO?

I cheated with one of my childhood friend girlfriend.

Never planed it, it just kinda happened. I never thought I would be the bad guy at school but soon enough i was. I dread waking up each morning and facing the hallway of unforgiving faces of students. People that once said hi to me stop and look completely the other way when i walk by. But I can't say i didn't deserve it.

My childhood friend "james" and his girlfriend "jessica" were just like any typical highschool couple at except they were pretty cool and hung out with the "grunge" kids. I was kinda a outcast at the time. It was sophomore year and still really haven't discover myself. I was in wrestling and join a school program that place me with all class's with jessica. In the beginning it was alright. She knew who i was and i knew her so we would talk and group up during school assignment. I never found her that attractive until one day we made a date to the carnival, after that i fell in love with her. days after that we would hang out alot. To the point where it was obvious that we were having a relationship behind my friend back but confrontation never happened. We would do kiddy stuff like hold hands and kiss but never had sex. Eventually everything went sour and i told my friend what was going on and he broke up with her and she stop talking to me. After that though, I realize i was really in love with this girl. Sure, things probably wouldn't have lasted that long or thing could have ended worst. But I never had the courage to tell her how I really felt about her. It was one of my biggest life regrets but was also a life lesson.

If you love a girl, You fuckin tell her and don't leave her hanging. Because thats what i did. I didn't tell her how i felt and she had to go through all that drama alone because I didn't stick by her side. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing by doing the whole "Bros before hos" philosophy but that wasn't the case at all.....god i miss her.

/r/AskReddit Thread