[Serious]Disowned children of Reddit, what's your story? Where are you now?

My dad got a chick pregnant half his age. He was in his late 50's at the time. Wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't already married to my mom for 25+ years at that point. I confronted him about it at his house, he snapped and told me to "get the fuck out of here and never come back or I'm calling the cops." I did. This happened around 2005. My mom stopped talking to me a few months later out of nowhere. I didn't know why (will explain below).

In 2010, my paternal grandmother died. I went to her funeral and saw my dad, we didn't speak. At some dinner afterwards I didn't attend, word got back to me that he was talking all kinds of shit behind my back over the years as to why we weren't talking, or why I haven't been home in years. Saying I was a "drug addict" (a lie) and I was "a worthless person" (because I didn't go to a good college like him), and all of the other ridiculous lies to cover for his cheating etc.. Anyone who knows me knew he was lying, and they also quit talking to my dad. But, his lies are is why my mom quit talking to me.

It's 2015 now and I haven't talked to them in 10 years. My brother told me my dad had cancer last year and was in bad shape. Oh well. I live in another state and just started over. Got married, divorced, got a new girlfriend, and have a kid on the way. They'll never know. I just pretend my parents are dead. Made it easier to cope. And I honestly stopped caring about them about 3-4 years ago.

What made me really stop caring is when my brother (a complete fuck up) actually did commit multiple violent felonies, had multiple kids by multiple women, lived at home till he was 30 and did nothing with his life, they still supported him and never once disowned or treated him wrong. They still support him now, that's why my moms hasn't retired after 30+ years to support my brother.

I have never been arrested a day in my life, moved out at 18, took care of myself, never asked for money, and would send home money for my parents, but I'm the "bad one" because I called out my dad for fucking around on my mom and getting his side chick pregnant.

Oh yeah, and I found out last year that I have a brother & sister my age (who I've never met) that my did had by another side chick in the 80's. That explains why my mom was so depressed & angry when I was a kid and I never knew why. She would always take it out on me instead of my brother. I have no clue if she knows about the other kid. He should be 10 years old at this point.

No need to dwell on it. Just remember the good times growing up that's all you can do. I have some money set aside for their funeral expenses because I know my brother won't pay for it. That's the least I can do for them raising me till I was 18.

I just know I'll never treat my kid the way my dad treated me. He just taught me how not to be. I don't have the support of my parents like many people do. I've had to figure out a lot of things on my own in life and it's made me a pretty resourceful person. I know 30-40 year old "associates" of mine that rely on their parents for bills and stuff like that. They would make fun of me when I was broke sometimes when they could run to mommy & daddy for help. I never had that option. And I've made some really stupid mistakes in life. but I've never hurt anyone else or intentionally fucked anyone over.

So I'm actually glad I got disowned in a way. Just made me a more resilient person in the end, and I learned to value people I actually consider friends. I just look at them as my family now, tbh.

/r/AskReddit Thread