[Serious] Have you ever grown apart from a close friendship? What was the final straw for you?

The final straw for me was when my (ex)best friend came home from college (2hrs away from where we live) for thanksgiving and I insisted on taking her out to eat, just the two of us, because money had been so tight for her. (It wasn't great for me either, but best friends tend to do these things) and she kept bugging me about what I wanted for Christmas. I said nothing, just hang with her. At the end of dinner expressly said she was getting me a gift. Fast forward 2 or 3 attempts to spend time with her cancelled or forgotten about (on her end), I swallowed my frustration and had a gift to give her when she came home for Christmas. Everyday of her Christmas break she found no time to see me and told me she didn't know why I got her anything because she didn't have money... after she just showed me her new tattoo over text... last straw.

/r/AskReddit Thread