[Serious] Have you ever had to run for your life? What happened?

Around February last year I was at my mates house and was really hungry at about 12am, I asked around and said if anybody wants to walk to get Maccas or something. At first they said yes but then said it was too long of a walk. I used to live in the area and should've known it would have been an hour walk but it was too late seeing I've already committed to walking there.

So here I am walking to the shops really late at night, no cars on the road nor people walking, just me. I walk past my old house and glare at it as I walk by. I then begin to worry a little and keep and eye on the dark alleys and bushes to make sure no weirdos are going to be there.

So I finally get there, walk through the drive through because the front door was locked and they pointed to go around, I order my food and begin to walk back.

The walk back was not as scary. As I'm coming back I walk past my old house again and the closed shops across the road. I just walk with the rubbish in my hand and just continue to day dream as I do when I go for long walks.

I look up at the shops and in the car park I see a shadow, I stare at it and just assume it's mine. Only a few seconds later I realise that the shadow isn't mine and couldn't be so I begin to stare at it. The shadow starts walking, I start walking a bit faster, the shadow walks a bit faster and so I faked jogging.

As soon as I do that a man flies out of the car park and tries to cut me off as he runs across the road. At this point I just chucked my rubbish on the floor and sprinted as hard as I could. There was no where else to run but straight. I hear his footsteps behind me before I decide to run into the middle of the road where all the street lights are lighting up the road. He then retreats back into the car park and I never see him again.

I just think about what if I never looked across the road and he snuck up on me. like what if he had a knife?

/r/AskReddit Thread