[Serious] Germans of Reddit, what's your opinion on the refugee situation?

There is another huge problem people especially my countrymen seem to ignore:

To live in peace in a united society, it is important to have a national identity as well as social values.

Of course, germany does have distinct values; they are to be found in our constitution. But that's all there is for reference really.

I think it is stupid to expect people to integrate into a society that only knows work work work and equality as national identity.

And no, even I as a german cannot tell what it is like to be german - we have no identity as a country. We have an international image of high quality workforce and high quality products and high tech and so on, but we have no identity.

And I think it's a problem in many ways: it hinders our government in finding a sovereign stance in aspect of many problems, e.g. Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Refugees, you name it.

Whilst countries that do have an identity seem to find clear answers for the problems they are facing, germany only ever seems to say: 'That's bad, m'kay.' or follows our allies suit.

Of course, these answers don't always appear to be positive in terms of european unity and coexistence (some might mention Poland here, but I for one respect their sovereignty), but they are needed to form an understanding of a society that allows for others to integrate in to.

So, what is 'being german'? Is it drinking beer? Our healthcare? I really can't tell.

I just feel that the lack of national identity drives people apart. Left wingers and right wingers and extreme middle hate each other, there is literally no discussion. They just seem to rotate around their picture of what they think germany should be instead of rotating around what germany is (because nobody actually knows) and how to help the situation best. Naturally, compromises are being made. But they are being made ALL the time. Not a single sovereign decision in the past 26 years by a country that wants to take a leading role in the european union can never be acceptable.

Right wingers would mention 'allied brainwashing after WW2' here, left wingers would start screaming 'No boarder no nation fuck germany' and liberals would just try to find the next compromise whilst ignoring the left exists whilst dooming the right.

The lack of identity hurts this country, it divides us and completely blocks successful integration. It's always been a downward spiral and todays problems result from it.

/r/AskReddit Thread