[Serious] Girl I like was a homewrecker

Just an FYI I’m with you whole heartedly. My reply was the first one of the post. From previous experiences in threads like this one I’ve learned some things.

  • There’s a ton of replies screaming that “the past is the past and that it shouldn’t matter. “
  • A small percentage of replies calls OP a misogynist.
  • A decent amount of replies saying OP is insecure and should do the girl a favor by moving on

I’ve found that sometimes the first few comments can really steer the whole thread in a direction. My goal was to find out some more information relevant to the situation.

Because of what I’ve described above, I needed to tailor my reply so it wouldn’t get downvoted. This sub is very polarized and the topic of OP’s post is one of the worst offenders.

In conclusion, OP’s gf is a piece of work.

/r/relationships Thread Parent