[Serious]How can people still be religious?

Most of these are rather negative, and I get it, as an ex-Christian. But non-believers looking in from the outside have little insight into the actual function and purpose of religion and tend to see only the crazy.

I would offer a few positive aspects to balance out the discussion, much of which has less to do with beliefs and more to do with the social aspects: - Sense of community. Though it is true that nastiness can fester within religious communities, they are, for many, safe havens of love and support. This can range from the emotional support that comes from knowing that someone (beyond your family) is praying for you and cares for your well-being, to more instrumental support like taking care of the elderly, each other's children, etc. -Coping/Resilience. Life generally sucks, and being able to lean on something positive and take the long view, that we're only on earth for a short time and there is a larger purpose really helps get through tough times. Psychologist Ken Pargament has done a lot of research in this area. -Service. While many religious communities exist unto themselves, many others are very focused on offering real service to the communities they live in. This is especially true for the more left-leaning, social justice focused denominations of Christianity. Serving other people without the expectation that it will be reciprocated is a fulfilling experience. -Tradition. Slam it all you want, but there is something satisfying about carrying on something that has been passed down through the generations that doesn't have anything to do with work, and is more meaningful than leisure.

I am not saying non-believers can't have these same things through other outlets, but I see these as some key reasons why people are religious beyond doctrine and beliefs.

/r/AskReddit Thread