[Serious] How did you get your shit together?

I was in a pretty bad situation. I lived with my parents who were abusive, was in an abusive relationship, dropped out of college, and started trying to kill myself because I saw no way out. They had me doped up on all these meds and my parents were more than happy to feed into it. They said I had bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, my therapist was talking about dropping me because I wasn't even trying. I hit absolute rock bottom for me. I had nothing, not even hope. One day I dropped acid with some friends, and it made me have some realizations. It reset my hope, and I gained this motivation I never had. I went home, took all my meds and flushed them. The therapist dropped me, that was fine. Got rid of the abusive relationship, though that took a few times to really stick. Got a great job that I worked my ass off to get, and with that got a new car and moved the hell away without telling anyone my new address practically over night. I'm on my own, back in therapy, and only surrounded by those that love me. Been living this life for 7 months now and I feel like I got my life back. A lot of that was done over the span of a year, but I never lost sight of the goal. So I guess I got my shit together because it was either that or death. I would definitely be dead by now if I hadn't stripped my life of its poison.

/r/AskReddit Thread