[Serious] How to have a social life without alcohol?

Late to the party but I'll share my experience.

Similar to a lot of other people, I would continually make an ass of myself. Being blackout drunk was pretty normal thing throughout university. It didn't help that most of my friends were also "drink till you don't remember" drunk. It's crazy because the first maybe 20-30 times I got black out drunk, I'd be like "ahh don't even tell me what I did" out of embarrassment. After that, I kind of just accepted it and ran with it, it made for some pretty awesome stories. But after multiple arrests, yacking on myself, pissing myself, and mostly disappointing my parents, I kind of quit on March 22nd. I've never actually liked drinking, the taste, the drunk and especially hated being hungover and writing off at least 1/7 days in my life. I mainly did it to hang out with my friends, meet other friends, and mostly it was the best way to meet girls.

To answer your question, honestly find new hobbies. Write, read a book, watch new movies, learn an instrument, learn a sport. I know this sounds straightforward but you'll meet new people, and your old friends will want to join you in some of these activities. It'll also keep you occupied and you won't be/nor feel like you're being left out.

Also, this kind of helped me. A lot of celebrities that I respect, have quit drinking. Craig Ferguson, Russell Brand, Eminem, Howard Stern, many others. (Here's a non click bait link for some more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/17/celebrities-sober-straight-edge_n_4115017.html)

TLDR: Find new hobbies but seriously do it. Do something you've wanted to try. Learning piano, learning snowboarding, learning to cook. Whatever.

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