(Serious) How worried should we Americans be?

The problem is wider than the court itself. The majority of the SCOTUS members will rule the way Republicans want them to. They have already proven that. Now we also have a GOP with goals stated both against gay and trans rights. It's in their mission statement. It's what they are driving towards. Funny thing is that while this targets trans people pretty hard, if it ever becomes a standard (this is groundwork for that) it will also effect gay marriage as allot of the bills are targeted at specifying marriage as between a man and a woman. If they can legally define that narrowly enough then they can attack everyone they want to in one swoop. This is part of what stacking the federal courts has been about. We all hear about the SCOTUS which is of course important, but the fact that McConnell has been quietly getting federal judges appointed in key positions is going to have an even larger impact. Cases may never even make past the last local federal level. And if they do go before the Supreme Court we know how it's going to fall.

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