[Serious] lawyers, what's a case you regretted winning ?

I represent landlords and handle a lot of eviction cases. I had a case against a single mom who couldn’t pay her rent. She had no legal defense, only personal hardship. She was 9 months pregnant and already had a toddler. During trial I heard her plead to the judge how her boyfriend/baby daddy (who was physically abusive) left her with her toddler from a previous relationship; and how her job (largest retailer in the world) fired her because she couldn’t lift heavy boxes anymore; and how she had no family to turn to because her mom was deceased and she was raped by her uncle; and the local shelter wouldn’t accept her because they only accepted expectant mothers, not mothers with children. She was 19 years old and I evicted her. That was more than 5 years ago I and think about her daily.

/r/AskReddit Thread