[SERIOUS] Men of reddit, who are unable to share their emotions with anyone, what would you like to share?

I feel very very blue. Yesterday I failed my driving test and I can't shake the thought of it, I almost crashed the car onto another car. I am so embarrassed. And I have a project that I haven't really started, I tried my best best my I keep getting stuck, I put weeks of effort into it but nothing. I feel that my postdoc hates me because I'm stupid. I don't know when is the next time I'll have any free time before winter break. So much work this weekend. I hate how ALL the profs thought it would be an amazing idea to double/triple or even quadruple the workload just because it's all zoom classes now?! Like tf are you going preach about "unprecedented times" and then just add to our mental stress that wasn't there before COVID. How is this the correct response to a global pandemic?!!!

/r/AskReddit Thread