[Serious] Why not legalize marijuana with tax revenue going to fixing roads and schools?

Why not?

Republicans, Christians, and Cops.

The Republicans don't like it because they haven't figured out how to exploit it monetarily while making sure their base isn't offended because Jesus hates the devil's lettuce. The fact that they solidify their power along with the police doesn't hurt either. Party of fucking personal freedom and responsibility my fucking fat ass.

The Christians have bought the bullshit government propaganda hook, line, and sinker for the better part of a fucking century. Meanwhile, they go home from church and get hammered fucking drunk and beat their wives and kids to a pulp, then go cheat on their wives at the bar. That shit's ok though. Scumbag, brainwashed fucking idiots.

Genesis 1:29 motherfuckers.

The cops, well...they got a helluva racket going. Easy fucking money targeting the stoners. Who would you rather bust? The dudes sitting around a bong listening to pink floyd and watching cartoons, or the cartel guys funneling meth and heroin into the state? Pretty easy choice, especially when the fucking money flows in regardless. Get some fucking medals and awards for being a god damn hero for stopping the evil plant menace. Might as well steal some people's fucking money while we're at it too!

Some of those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses.

They fit right hand in hand with the cunts in power in this state, and they love the fact that they get to lock people in a cage for a beneficial plant.

Also, let's not forget, according to the rulings of the Iowa Pharmacy Board, cannabis should have been rescheduled in 2010.

Just so happens they, and the fucking legislature refused to do their god damn jobs in accordance with state law. Wonder why? Fucking republicans.

Vote all the cocksuckers out if you want any chance of anything fucking changing in this state, because if you don't, nothing is going to fucking change. Iowa will be last to legalize.

Downvote away, and swing from my greasy, hairy nuts while you're at it, fuckos.

/r/Iowa Thread