[Serious]Is the occult ruled by the subconscious?

I used ouija boards a lot when I was a teenager. Enough said?! I lived in a rather isolated area on a small farm, rather preoccupied with the occult, although we didn't call it that. I won't go into too much detail, and I'll state that, through everything fascinating and strange that had happened, I maintained a stubborn skepticism. I have never seen a ghost, and though I have witnessed bizarre happenings, I believe that the power of the subconscious mind has the most influence over situations such as the one I am going to tell. However, now, 20 years later, I'm left with memories of things that really had a profound effect on me at the time. A lot of these memories pertain to things that used to happen to another person in particular, my sister. Occasionally, after, or while using a ouija board, she would enter into a trance-like state. Keep in mind that my sister had no conditions, she did well in school, we were raised by loving parents, no drugs were ever involved etc. It was just us in the candle-light, often with music in the background, sometimes incense burning, sitting on the floor of a room in the century-old wooden farmhouse. I remember being able to easily discern a noticeable sort of shift in the atmosphere and in her disposition, while she would be sitting down cross-legged, her head bowed to the floor, her long curly hair enshrouding her shape in the poorly lit room. Shortly thereafter, she would emerge from her somewhat sunken position and sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly lift her head up, and look at me like she never had before. She became almost unrecognizable. Disconcertingly, with the motor skills of someone not used to moving, she would reach to her face and remove her glasses first. She would then speak to me of things that I would never think the 14-15 year-old I knew well would have knowledge of, and in such an unrecognizable way, essentially taking on another personality that seemed to have an assignment for us. She wouldn't be in that state for long until she was back to herself, tiredly looking for her glasses. In all honesty, I could go on and on, but I'd like to get some discussion going first. Any feedback? Similar experience? Opinions? I'm open to everything.

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