[Serious] Parents of Reddit; have you ever wished you didn't have kids? If so, why?

You know you're not describing your parents, you're describing what it feels like to be a 50 year old man. I'm in my late 40s and I can't do anything I used to do- I go to the gym and I pull a muscle and I have to deal with muscle pain for like 8 weeks. I can't drink anymore, I can't eat anything with sugar anymore because I had a bad blood test and damn it, I'm not going to get Type II diabetes, so I just have to cut out everything.

So I can't drink, can't eat anything fun, and I can't really go to the gym.

I'm getting arthritis in my bad knee.

About 2 weeks ago I was at a store and saw this really hot woman and I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes and made a face. I looked in my car window and I saw an old man with bags under his eyes, gray hair, glasses too thick, who needs to go to the gym more (except for that pulled muscle).

I rent a movie and none of it makes any sense to me. why? Because it's made for millenials and matches their interests. I want to watch something new but I end up renting a bunch of 1970s movies that I never saw back then... Once they started making movies for millenials it was all over for me. Where's Pulp Fiction II, you know?

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