[Serious] Parents of unsuccessful young adults (20s/30s) who still live at home, unemployed/NEET, no social/romantic life etc., do you feel disappointed or failed as a parent? How do you cope? What are your long term plans?

I was never a great student and I had my problems in high school, but in senior year I really started to figure things out. I made a bunch of friends, was in a couple pretty demanding academic teams, and did pretty well in my school work.

Well, college ruined me. It was horrible. I suffered through four years of somewhat severe depression (probably-- I still haven't mustered the courage to seek help or a diagnosis). It was so soul crushing.

When I entered college, I wasn't interested in the piece of paper they give you at the end, I wasn't interested in the job I would get afterward, I was interested in learning. However, nearly none of my professors felt the same way. They would stand up at the podium and unenthusiasticly read from a horribly organized PowerPoint provided by the textbook company. This is for computer science, a mostly math and programming based degree. While a PowerPoint can be used as an aide, it is very ineffective for teaching these kind of classes. They would then assign busy work and mostly irrevelant group projects, in worse volumes than high school. (Note that by busy work, I mean homework that keeps you busy, but doesn't necessarily further your education. I understand that solving examples and

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