[Serious] People age 18-40s, who do not work or go to school, what do you do in your daily life? How do you sustain it?

I'm 25, graduated from a Bachelors in Psychology in November last year. A few weeks later I moved overseas (Australia to the UK) on my own to pursue an entry level research assistant job, and hoped to eventually get into a PhD.

Spent 9 months persevering 9-5 with job applications all day and battled with the stream of constant rejections and loneliness of moving to a new country. I'd wake up, go for a run, pop down to the shop to buy any discounted food, then smash out 5-6 job applications a day where you have to list out in a 1 page cover letter how you meet a 2 pages of person spec... I also started taking up smoking because I had nothing to do in my breaks from applying for jobs.

Eventually I got a job where I stocked shelves nights in supermarket on a 1 month, 12 hour a week contract. They would only inform me if they were renewing the contract the day that it ended each time because that is apparently meant to motivate me to stack shelves and allow me to 'show my dedication'. So I'd work 4 hour night shifts on fri/sat/sun.

I used that income cover my rent as I'd been living off savings. I barely continued to survive off my savings, which I had spent 3 years accumulating with the intention support myself in case this happened.

All worked out in the end. Last month I applied for a funded and salaried PhD that was eligible to me as an international student. Was offered the position and was told I'd also be working as a research assistant in labs throughout Europe. Within a week I went from being constantly rejected and not knowing if I could cover next months rent to a position that was beyond my dream job. Quit smoking because I had a reason to live again.

For me it was all about planning, perseverance, and a bit of luck.

/r/AskReddit Thread