[Serious] People of Reddit, how did you overcome procrastination, reignition of drive and discipline, as well as trying to stop a gaming addiction?

I'm 23 and on to my second college degree in Computer Science. After my first degree failed where I couldn't get a job or move countries to find jobs due to COVID I decided to go back to University to seek knowledge in another passion of mine. However, I'm struggling to even have the drive to do University work when I have so many deadlines and self-study to do but I just can't be bothered. This is my last chance to really get ahead in life, but I seem so demotivated and undisciplined to put in the work. I enjoy gaming as it's something that lets me escape reality, but I've tried to quit many times but just can't. I really embrace efficiency, especially when using a high-refresh rate monitor and because I can be really efficient on my PC as opposed to my laptop, I always seem to dig myself back into a hole of getting no work done due to how many distractions that come with a PC opposed to a laptop. Any tips would be much appreciated because I'm not sure how long I can keep doing this to myself.

For any of you who might be curious, I'm a frequent gym goer (6 days a week), and I like to attend social events so I'd say I have other hobbies but unsure what I can do to replace gaming.

/r/AskReddit Thread