[Serious] People of Reddit, how do you deal with racists?

So, I just encountered a klan member and member of the outlaw gang 2 nights ago while on vacation in Florida.

It was at a live music venue and I had been drinking for several hours. I made lots of friends at the bar and was outside smoking when a 6' 3" biker says he's voting Trump.

I, a Sanders supporter, ask why, thinking it could be an opportunity to expose someone to Bernie.

He pulls out a photo of a klansman and tells me because Trump is the only one who understands his belief system.

I, a fat girl, lost my shit. Started screaming something about being a fucking rasist scumbag. He replied something like N.. lover and I punched him, 3 times in a row. My arm still hurts two days later as I have never punched anyone in my life.

My husband comes out and drags me away to the car. I consider my options. What's the worse that is going to happen? I might be arrested, but it's pretty unlikely as a tourist white girl.

So I scream you fucking racist asshole over and over again until the sheriff shows up. I immediately put my hands behind my back and use please and yes sirs. He asks me what happened, I explained that yes, I did hit him. I explained what he had said, what set me off. I ask the nice Hispanic officer to please get this asshole. He assures me he will watch them as they leave, as its nearing bar close and pull them over if they appear intoxicated. He sends me on my way.

I have no idea if he was just trying to calm me, or if he did really attempt to get him. I hope that the officer was true to his word and in my imagination he got pulled over and arrested for DUI or worse.

But this is real life and more likely I was just the dumb drunk girl who tried to take down a klan member and outlaw motorcycle gang, and didn't succeed.

I am the mother of a mixed child, and I am so saddened that this still exists in the world. I've been so nieve. I haven't really gotten over the impact it made in my heart.

/r/AskReddit Thread