[Serious] People of Reddit, what is the creepiest thing that happened to you while home alone?

In a completely dark room on a cold winter night I was.

Enjoying the silence, comfortably in bed, trying to fall asleep.

And then I heard a sound - the dream-catcher I had on the curtain rod moved. Rattled.

The first time it did I paid it no attention. Then it happened again. Gentle... rattling. In a closed room, with all the windows closed, with the doors shut.

Nobody but me in the room surely? Nobody else in the flat. There is no wind to rattle it, no draft. And yet... it moved.

Rattle, rattle, rattle.

Why would it? What could possibly explain it? Not being able to find the reason a great sense of unease came over me and along with it all kinds of nightmarish explanations as to why it would rattle.

I got up, turned on the light and looked at the dream-catcher. It was still, entirely still. As I was about to stop looking at it and go back to bed it rattled again.

And then just then my brain decided to start working again. The radiator directly underneath it was in full swing heating up a rather cold room. Convection. Convection moved the damn dream-catcher.

/r/AskReddit Thread