[SERIOUS] People who have been the target of murderers/assassins, how did you survive, and why did they target you?

I have a trick for tinnitus that works for most people? You can try it anyway. Relief may last a varying amount of time, but try it and let me know if it worked.

Scooch up to your desk and lean forwards with both elbows on the desk surface in front of you. Cup the palms of both hands firmly down over both ears, with your fingers extending to the back of your skull, where you have that dippy part. Drum your fingers quite vigorously on the back of your skull. It should be firm enough that you can feel vibration. If it doesn't work immediately, try shifting the position of your fingers slightly and varying the pressure of your thumps.

I really hope this helps you! I can't imagine having constant noise in my ears, it sounds like hell. Let us know how you get on : )

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